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This is one cat that doesn’t need any help getting down from a tree. The leopard is so comfortable up there that it often stalks prey and even hauls its kills up into the branches. Leopards are powerful big cats closely related to lions, tigers and jaguars. They live in sub-Saharan Africa, northeast Africa, Central Asia, India and China. However, many of their populations are endangered, especially outside of Africa.
Your purchase will help with the conservation of Endangered and Critical Endangered species.
Each painting in this series was created on handmade recycled paper and is approximately 6x8.5 inches. The proceeds from this project have the potential to raise $10,000 for wildlife conservation, specifically helping Endangered to Critical Endangered species.
Thank you for your contributions -- there is so much to learn and do to protect the incredible wildlife we share this planet with.
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- International shipping is at a flat rate of $5. Please select "The 100 Project: standard international shipping"